About Me

I'm Chief Operating Officer at award-winning agency Threshold Sports and I've been creating and leading international expeditions and outdoor challenge events since 2003. I’ve planned some of the UK’s largest and most iconic Ultra Marathons and endurance cycle rides, and I’ve personally led more than 1500 would-be adventurers on expeditions abroad, often in the name of charity in more than 25 countries.

I'm passionate about creating adventures in the great outdoors that push people way beyond what they thought was possible, better connect businesses to their employees and raise oodles for charities and good causes.

Most recently, I was the expedition leader for Comic Relief’s Kilimanjaro: The Return; and spent ten days leading a group of celebrities including Ed Balls, Little Mix and Danni Dyer to the summit of Africa’s highest mountain.

Elsewhere on the web

Expedition Leader

I’ve been incredibly lucky, having had the privilege to lead and plan expeditions on 5 continents.

My many group adventures include crossing Europe, Asia, and Tibet overland, house building challenges in Cambodia, cycling through Rajasthan, across Costa Rica and trekking to the summits of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya.

I've worked on World Records and with documentary crews.

Event Organiser

At Threshold Sports, we believe More Is In You so we think up and deliver breathtaking challenges for people or companies looking to push themselves to greater things.

They can be anything from an accessible 5k walk to a gruelling 9-day, 1,000 mile cycling challenge.

You can find out more about Threshold here.


I’m passionate about what I do, and love to share stories of my adventures.

I’ve been the after-dinner speaker at corporate events, the keynote at motivational conferences and given a TEDx talk in my home city London.

You can see some of my talks here